Dodo Bird · Mother Philosophy

Founded in 2017

Impacted 2.5 million families

Mission to help 100 million families establish family education.

“It takes a community to support a mother.

It takes a village to raise a child.”

It takes a village to raise a child. – African Proverb

DodoGo, also called Moving Village, is a movement that brings families and communities together through free hiking events. It follows the principles of Dodo Bird Mother Philosophy.

DoDo Go · 移动的村庄

Dodo Land · 亲子营地

Parents and children become classmates together.

Various Dodo Land camps, different experiences.

Parent-child, mixed-age, cultural, AI …

Parents don't need to be educated, they need to be seen, supported, and loved.

Parental Growth and Learning System:

Learning by doing study system, Home Education Instructors, Ten-Year Dream Training camp...

Dodo Course · 妈妈哲学课程

Dodo Bird Nest · 鸟窝

Mother philosophy reading group, mini-theme seminar.

Read together, share together, collectively confront parenting dilemmas, personal growth, stress. Gain warmth, confidence, strength.

100K +

鸟窝人次 Dodo Bird Nest Participants

160K +

移动的村庄公里数 DodoGo Millage

2,000 +

知行生数量 Learning by Doing system Students

2.5 M +

影响家庭数量 Families Impacted



— 渡渡鸟

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